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Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs, NYC Health + Hospitals Hosts Media Roundtable to Discuss Elimination of 6-Month Residency Requirement for NYC Care Program

MOIA Commissioner Manuel Castro and Executive Director of NYC Care Dr. Jonathan Jiménez. Lambert Parong/ Kababayan Media

—Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) Commissioner Manuel Castro and NYC Health + Hospitals (H+H) Executive Director of NYC Care Dr. Jonathan Jiménez hosted an in-person Ethnic and Community Media Roundtable at City Hall on July 6, 2022. The roundtable also included a testimony by NYC Care patient, Wendell Wells.This was MOIA’s second in person ethnic and community media roundtable. 

Lambert Parong/ Kababayan Media 

During the roundtable, both Commissioner Castro and Dr. Jimenez discussed the elimination of the 6-month residency requirement for NYC Care. They also answered questions about NYC Care requirements, including proof of address and identification. They also clarified that immigrant New Yorkers should seek care without fear. In NYC, healthcare services are available regardless of immigration status. Dr. Jiménez also shared the latest updates regarding the “Test to Treat” program.

MOIA Commissioner Manuel Castro, NYC Care patient, Wendell Wells and Executive Director of NYC Care Dr. Jonathan Jiménez. Lambert Parong/ Kababayan Media 

José Bayona, Executive Director of the Mayor's Office of Ethnic & Community Media, welcomed members of the press, introduced the speakers and moderated the Q&A.

Lambert Parong/ Kababayan Media 

NYC Care is a health care access program that guarantees low-cost and no-cost services offered by NYC Health + Hospitals to New Yorkers who do not qualify for or cannot afford health insurance based on federal guidelines. NYC Care is the nation’s largest and most comprehensive initiative to guarantee health care for New Yorkers, regardless of immigration status or ability to pay. To set up an appointment, New Yorkers can call 646-692-2273 or visit


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